Below is a list of resources to provide support and help you deal with the loss of a loved one

  • Samaritans    Helpline 116 123




  • First Response                                                                                                             

A 24/7 helpline offering immediate advice, support and signposting for people with mental health difficulties.   If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried about your mental health, call the helpline on  0808 196 3494.


This site includes information related to the COVID-19 National Bereavement helpline which offers signposting to practical and emotional support.   0800 2600 400

  • Winston’s Wish helpline    08088 020021                                                                   

Childhood bereavement website (includes resources related to COVID-19)

  • Please see the Ask Lily website for up to date information regarding local bereavement organisations
  • Counselling Directory                                                                                                

Directory of qualified counsellors in your area

  • MIND    call 0300 123 3393 (for information & signposting service)
  • One to One Project                                                                                               

Offers support for adults experiencing emotional and/or social distress and mental health difficulties. 

  • Wellbeing Service       

Self-referral line 0300 123 1503                   

Offers different types of wellbeing support 

Grief & Loss Video  

Well-being & Resilience Video