General Volunteer Application form


You will need to give details of two people who will provide you with a reference - people who are not related or have a personal relationship with you. At least one must have known you for at least two years. If you have difficulty completing this online form, it is available to download or we can post a paper copy out to you - email: [email protected]

If you are from the UK, you are free to volunteer. The majority of European Union (EU) citizens are free to volunteer within the UK. For those from outside the EU you need to check that your visa allows you to volunteer.

Contact Details

We welcome applications from all who are 14 years or over but there may be some restrictions applied to your volunteering.

Emergency Contact Details
Experience, qualifications and skills

Referee 1

Referee 2

Other information

If ’Yes’, we will ask you for some more information about this.
Please note that anyone having had a significant bereavement less than 18 months ago is unlikely to be considered for a role involving direct patient or client contact.

If ’Yes’ we may ask you for more information about this.

Criminal Records - Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.

The Norfolk Hospice meets the requirements in respect of exempted questions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. This will include details of cautions, reprimands, final warnings and convictions. Depending on the volunteering role, you will be subject to a DBS (or enhanced DBS) check. The Norfolk Hospice abides by the strict DBS Code of Practice with regard to disclosures whereby any conviction would not necessarily bar you from volunteering.

Please answer one of the following questions, depending on which role you’re applying for.

If you’ve answered ’Yes’ to either of these questions, we will ask you for more information about this.

Data Protection

As a supporter, you’re at the heart of everything we do. We’d love to keep you updated about our exciting work and the ways you can help, including campaigns and events that you might be interested in. We promise never to sell or swap your details and you can change your preferences at any time. To do so, simply call 01485 601700 or email [email protected]

To view our Privacy and Data Protection statement please visit or to request a copy call 01485 601700.


I confirm that all details supplied on this form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and I recognise that failure to declare any relevant information or to supply the details required may result in my volunteer role with the Norfolk Hospice being stopped.
This information may be stored on both paper and computer files. But it will be held securely and only accessed by authorised personnel.